In Collaboration
— with
Regina Gambatesa
When you meet her, you immediately feel the intensity and attention she projects.
She talks about jewellery as if it were a cosmos, about her creative process with wisdom and philosophy. Suddenly, we enter the dimension of deeper meaning and significance. In this conversation, she is a kind of guide you want to follow, exploring the depths and heights as she masters her subject.
Regina Gambatesa creates jewellery with great communicative value. Her jewellery is intuitive and fluid. Her vision is strong: she strives to transform materials into objects with deep symbolic meaning.
Born in Bari, Italy, she spent her teenage years in the Middle East, between Turkey, Lebanon and Libya, where she came into contact with the evocative cultures of a southern memory that she already knew very well. Back in Italy, driven by an extreme passion for design and the art of jewellery, Regina devoted herself entirely to applied jewellery research. She designs and creates genuine "dedicated jewellery", ritual objects designed to allow entry into the inner dimension: a kind of decorative and ornamental icon.
As part of her research, Regina extends this to a wider dimension, linking it to the senses. In 1998, she published "Sentimental Code", a brief journey into the creativity, thoughts and inspirations expressed in objects. Her experiences, a continuous mix of life and research, have led her to believe that the creation of ornaments of extreme communicative impact is possible in both limited and unlimited series, even in a less dynamic and innovative category such as jewellery. In 1999, she opened her own studio in Bari, an experimental space, a place for encounters and journeys of the senses, where she has continued to create ever since, astonishing audiences, expanding consciousness.
Exhibitions :
Groninger Museum, Groninger "A special world".
Museum of Contemporary Decoration, Ravenna "Women's Design
Siena Town Hall "Artisanat d'auteur".
Alchimia Museum, Milan "Distant rituals of the home".
Number of volumes in Editions Mondadori, Electa, Ed. Byblos, Allemandi.